
183A Added Capacity

Proposal for the possible addition of a fourth lane in the median of 183A Toll between FM 620 and Hero Way.

Project Information

Due to the unprecedented growth of Cedar Park and Leander, and growing number of drivers on the 183A Toll Road, the Mobility Authority is conducting an environmental study for the possible addition of a fourth lane in the center median of 183A Toll in both directions between FM 620 and Hero Way.

An additional lane would be a proactive measure that would allow for the 183A Toll Road to accommodate future traffic volumes and reduce anticipated traffic congestion for years to come.

Detailed map of project

Graphic depicting future toll lanes in relation to other lanes

Project Benefits

  • Increases capacity of 183A Toll
  • Provides proactive congestion relief through Cedar Park and Leander


Environmental Study Cost: $2,000,000

Funding Source: Mobility Authority



Frequently Asked Questions

Project Information

The 183A Added Capacity Project is an environmental study for the possible addition of a fourth lane in each direction in the center median of the existing 183A Toll between FM 620/SH 45 and Hero Way.
Development surrounding the corridor has led to increased use of the 183A Toll corridor. As a proactive measure, the Mobility Authority is seeking environmental clearance to potentially add a fourth lane to 183A Toll between FM 620 and Hero Way. This would allow the agency to add capacity to the roadway as needed to reduce travel delays to users in the future.
The study area is a 9-mile segment of 183A Toll from RM 620 to Hero Way.
We are committed to collaborative and transparent public involvement. Corridor residents, businesses, roadway users, local agencies, the general public, and other interested parties can obtain information about the project on our website, by signing up for electronic newsletters, or calling 512-996-9778.

Environmental Study

The 183A Added Capacity environmental study includes, but is not limited to, the review and analysis of:

  • Natural Resources (State and Federal protected species, water resources)
  • Cultural Resources
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Community Impacts
  • Traffic Noise Analysis
  • Air Quality
The environmental studies performed for the project will include a review of projected traffic noise that could result from the proposed improvements. The Mobility Authority will prepare a traffic noise analysis following the required federal process. The analysis will also evaluate noise abatement measures for the adjacent residents and businesses that might be impacted by traffic noise.
The Mobility Authority is committed to mitigating impacts of construction to the surrounding environment, should the project move forward. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Voluntary Control Measures (VCMs) will be incorporated into the design and installed prior to construction in efforts to maintain water quality, remaining in compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Edwards Aquifer Protection Program.
The project will remain in compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Analysis of federally-listed threatened and endangered species and consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be performed.


If use of the corridor continues to increase as anticipated, signifying the need for an additional lane, the start of construction would then be dependent on the results of the environmental study, Mobility Authority Board approval, and coordination with the 183A Frontage Road Project (managed by TxDOT). It is possible construction could begin as early as the second half of 2026.

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Public Meetings

During the environmental study, the following Virtual Open House was held:

Open House: Wed., Jul. 31, 2024- Sun., Sept. 1, 2024

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