
NTTA Regional Toll Partner Program

The Mobility Authority is collaborating with the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) to bring NTTA’s Regional Toll Partner (RTP) program to Central Texas.

How does the Regional Toll Partner (RTP) program work?

The RTP program allows Central Texas vehicle dealerships and prospective TollTag activation partners to activate TollTags in real time for customers.

By participating in the program, dealerships can:

  • Request an inventory of NTTA TollTags at no cost to have available for customers at the time of vehicle purchase.
  • Manage TollTags for dealership vehicles on their NTTA account as needed.
  • Set up pre-paid accounts for customers. NTTA pre-paid accounts allow TollTag customers to pay tolls at the lowest possible rate.


Through this partnership with NTTA, the Mobility Authority can:

  • Assist Central Texas Regional Toll Partners in resolving outstanding Mobility Authority Pay By Mail balances related to dealer fleet vehicles.
  • Set up post-paid accounts with the Mobility Authority, allowing dealerships to manage all Pay By Mail bills at once at a slightly lower toll rate.

For more information, view NTTA’s Non-Exclusive Distribution Agreement. 

NTTA Regional Toll Partner Program Form

If you are interested in speaking with a team member or would like to participate in the RTP program, please fill out the form below.

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