
Toll Rates

The toll rates below are effective as of January 1, 2025. As of January 1, 2024, electronic tag account holders that do not attach the tag to their vehicles will incur a 10% increase to the tag rate to cover additional administrative costs.

MoPac Express Lane: Historical Rates

Map of Road

Learn more about variable-price tolling.

NOTE: Segments that are closed will display in red

183A Toll: 2025 Rates

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2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 Axle 6 Axle
TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail
Lakeline Mainline $0.78 $1.17 $1.56 $2.34 $2.34 $3.51 $3.12 $4.68 $3.90 $5.85
Brushy Creek Ramps $0.76 $1.14 $1.52 $2.28 $2.28 $3.42 $3.04 $4.56 $3.80 $5.70
Park Street Mainline $1.94 $2.91 $3.88 $5.82 $5.82 $8.73 $7.76 $11.64 $9.70 $14.55
Scottsdale Drive Ramps $0.76 $1.14 $1.52 $2.28 $2.28 $3.42 $3.04 $4.56 $3.80 $5.70
Crystal Falls Mainline $1.43 $2.15 $2.86 $4.30 $4.29 $6.45 $5.72 $8.60 $7.15 $10.75
Crystal Falls Ramps $0.62 $0.93 $1.24 $1.86 $1.86 $2.79 $2.48 $3.72 $3.10 $4.65

290 Toll: 2025 Rates

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2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 Axle 6 Axle
TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail
U.S. 183 Ramps (Direct Connectors) $0.73 $1.10 $1.46 $2.20 $2.19 $3.30 $2.92 $4.40 $3.65 $5.50
Springdale Road Ramps $0.73 $1.10 $1.46 $2.20 $2.19 $3.30 $2.92 $4.40 $3.65 $5.50
Giles Lane Ramps $0.73 $1.10 $1.46 $2.20 $2.19 $3.30 $2.92 $4.40 $3.65 $5.50
Giles Lane Mainline Plaza $1.49 $2.24 $2.98 $4.48 $4.47 $6.72 $5.96 $8.96 $7.45 $11.20
Harris Branch Parkway Ramps $0.73 $1.10 $1.46 $2.20 $2.19 $3.30 $2.92 $4.40 $3.65 $5.50
Parmer Lane Mainline Plaza $0.73 $1.10 $1.46 $2.20 $2.19 $3.30 $2.92 $4.40 $3.65 $5.50
290/130 Flyover $0.75 $1.13 $1.50 $2.26 $2.25 $3.39 $3.00 $4.52 $3.75 $5.65

71 Toll Lane: 2025 Rates

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2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 Axle 6 Axle
TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail
FM 973 Mainline $1.14 $1.71 $2.28 $3.42 $3.42 $5.13 $4.56 $6.84 $5.70 $8.55

45SW Toll: 2025 Rates

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2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 Axle 6 Axle
TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail
Bear Creek Mainline Plaza $1.22 $1.83 $2.44 $3.66 $3.66 $5.49 $4.88 $7.32 $6.10 $9.15

183 Toll: 2025 Rates

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2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 Axle 6 Axle
TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail TxTag Pay by Mail
51st Street SB Exit Ramp $0.81 $1.22 $1.62 $2.44 $2.43 $3.66 $3.24 $4.88 $4.05 6.10
MLK Jr. Blvd. SB Mainline $1.50 $2.25 $3.00 $4.50 $4.50 $6.75 $6.00 $9.00 $7.50 $11.25
51st Street NB Entry Ramp $0.81 $1.22 $1.62 $2.44 $2.43 $3.66 $3.24 $4.88 $4.05 $6.10
51st Street NB Mainline $1.50 $2.25 $3.00 $4.50 $4.50 $6.75 $6.00 $9.00 $7.50 $11.25
MLK Blvd. NB Exit Ramp $1.09 $1.64 $2.18 $3.28 $3.27 $4.92 $4.36 $6.56 $5.45 $8.20
Smith Road SB Entry Ramp $0.71 $1.07 $1.42 $2.14 $2.13 $3.21 $2.84 $4.28 $3.55 $5.35
Smith Road NB Exit Ramp $0.71 $1.07 $1.42 $2.14 $2.13 $3.21 $2.84 $4.28 $3.55 $5.35
Thompson Lane Plaza $1.30 $1.95 $2.60 $3.90 $3.90 $5.85 $5.20 $7.80 $6.50 $9.75
SH 71 Direct Connector $0.71 $1.07 $1.42 $2.14 $2.13 $3.21 $2.84 $4.28 $3.55 $5.35

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