
General Meeting of the Board of Directors

This is an archived board meeting
All Board Meetings
9:00 am
3300 N. IH 35, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78705
Meeting Recaps
We understand the COVID-19 situation is extremely fluid. The Mobility Authority is closely monitoring the pandemic in Travis and Williamson counties. Governor Abbott, Travis County Judge Eckhardt and Austin Mayor Adler have restricted gatherings of more than 10 people in a single room or confined indoor/outdoor area. Unless there is an item on the agenda that requires your attendance in-person, we encourage you to practice safe social distancing and tune in to the March 25th Board Meeting online via the live stream link on our website. 

General Meeting of the Board of Directors

  1. 00.
  2. 01.
  3. 02.
  4. 03.
  5. 04.
  6. 05.
  7. 06.
  8. 07.
  9. 08.
  10. 09.
  11. 10.
  12. 11.
  13. 12.
  14. 13.
  15. 14.
  16. 15.
  17. 16.
  18. 17.
  19. 18.
  20. 19.
  21. 20.

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